
Adopting from ARSI was a great experience. We were so stoked on all of the videos your team provided of honey while she was still in Taiwan. I knew from first sight she was perfect for us and the more I read about the FMD breed, the more we fell in love. Honey is sweet, super intelligent, loyal, agile & fearless. She is the best dog we could have ever asked for. I think we will always adopt FMD forever. Our experience with honey has been nothing but pure joy & love. When we adopted her she already knew how to sit (that’s her best trick) she quickly learned down, paw, other paw, 360 spin, crawl, dance, stay, wait, come and is learning more all of the time! Her capacity to learn is incredible, she really is a super smart dog. 

Thank you for making our experience a great one! 

With love 
-Collin, Erica and Honey 

