
 I have been looking for a dog for about a year. And had narrowed it down to a Russell Terrier or a Mountain Cur. The JT I liked for its fearless nature and very smart they are stubborn and need advanced training practice. The Cur for its devoted personally also a smart dog and a bit larger in size better for out in the wild type of living. I also travel so the JT was favorable for inside house life. The JT it's hard to find a young pup and the Cur just hard to find.

So we had some big fires here and I was checking Pet Finder looking for displaced dogs local and I was looking at other breeds when I saw the Taiwan Mountain Dog also known as a Formosan Mt Dog. Smart and fearless like a JT. Devoted and skilled hunter like a Cur. The rescue group ARSI had a lot of young dogs so I did my research on the dogs and after about a week I wanted to check out some dogs. When I contacted them, they told me the dogs are in Taiwan. but they can get all the information including videos on their dog’s behavior and medical info ect. That was very useful.

I couldn't find any bad reviews or complaints with ARSI on Facebook or pet finder nothing with the BBB or any where and I really liked this breed! Kenneth and Nikki are here in the northern California and lots of happy people with new dogs adopted from ARSI. So I did my research and paid the fee and a week later I picked up my dog, Bruno. He is such a good dog! Smart, fun, and not to big in size, but big in heart and easy to care for and very loving! I did pick the best dog ever. If you do half as good as I did you got a really good dog.



