Beau & Bella

When our beloved dog, Cruz, passed away at age 14, I honestly did not think that I would be able to find a dog that I would bond with as much as I had with her. While we never had her formally tested, we believed that she was primarily a dingo breed.  We researched all breeds that came from the dingo lineage and stumbled upon Formosan Mountain dogs who were described as intensely loyal, smart with a cat-like personality– just what we were looking for. 

We found the ASRI Adoption website and fell in love with Beau and Bella.  We were drawn to Beau, an 18 month old dog with a very sad past.  He had been tied to a tree, abused and not fed for most of his life.  He had been to several foster homes and had a tough time.  While it made us nervous to adopt a dog that had been abused, we couldn’t pass up his cute face and floppy decided to take a leap of faith and adopt him.  We wanted to adopt two dogs so that they would have a playmate.  Bella was an adorable 6 month-old puppy that was easy to fall in love with.  Little did we know they were both in Taiwan and had to be flown to the US.  We talked to Kenneth multiple times and they sent us videos and pictures of both dogs. Shortly before Christmas one year ago we drove to San Francisco to pick up our two new fur babies and the rest is history. 

Beau took a while to warm up and trust us, but we gave him his space and let him bond with us on his time.  Beau has become intensely loyal and very loving.  He loves to sit right by us every night and cuddle and every day he demands his hugs.  Bella was a typical crazy, lovable puppy who we fell in love with right away.   They have both become inseparable playmates and have become part of our family.   Beau has grown to trust us immensely and so incredibly happy to be in a home that provides oodles of love, food and protection.  Bella has such a cute little personality and is my mom’s pride and joy.  They are both incredibly smart and provide our family with immense joy.  We couldn’t be happier that we made the choice to adopt these special dogs.  A huge thank you to ARSI for making the adoptions possible and supporting us along the way.

-Jill, Jim, and Joan 


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